Megan Godard Megan Godard

Empowering Parents of Disabled Children with Kelley Coleman

Parenting disabled children is an experience I wasn’t fully prepared for. One of the most helpful things I've found is connecting with other parents who’ve been through similar experiences. My guest today, Kelley Coleman, is a mom of a disabled child and the author of the essential guidebook, 'Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child.'

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Megan Godard Megan Godard

Processing the Past for an Empowered Future, with Shailynn Brown

Processing past experiences has been an important piece in my healing and wellness journey. Today, we’re talking about a cool healing modality that has helped me to process and make peace with my past experiences called the Integrative Processing Technique. Joining me to talk all about it, is my amazing cousin Shailynn Brown. She is trained in the Integrative Processing Technique and in this episode, we discuss what it is, what a session entails, her story of how got into this type of healing work, and I share some of my own personal experiences with it.

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Megan Godard Megan Godard

Seasons of Grief: Navigating Past Trauma

I’ve talked with several people lately that are having a tough time. They've felt unusually emotional or found themselves grumpy and struggling to get through the day without knowing why. And I’ll admit, I’ve been struggling too and I think I know why. In this episode, I’ll share what I’ve been struggling with, what I’ve learned about how our bodies hold onto past traumas and how to heal, and what I’m doing to cope in this season.

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Megan Godard Megan Godard

Flying with Diabetes: Tips for a Smoother Journey

Flying with Type 1 Diabetes? It can be a little nerve wracking. I get it. We just flew for the first time after my son’s diagnosis, and I remember the nerves I felt before the trip. Today, I'm going to share everything I learned—the good, the bad, and the indispensable tips—for flying with diabetes, so your next airport adventure can glide as smooth as a plane on a clear day.

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Megan Godard Megan Godard

Embracing Unschooling: Transforming Learning for Our Neurodivergent Kids

Is your kid struggling with traditional schooling? You're not alone. We've been there. And it was honestly a little traumatic for all of us. But I'm thrilled to share that we found another way. And I hope our story offers some encouragement that there are other ways out there for your child to learn and get an education beyond the conventional system! In this episode, I discuss our family's journey from public school, to homeschool, to unschool.

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Megan Godard Megan Godard

Facing it Together: Parenting Kids with Autism + Type 1 Diabetes, With My Husband Scott - PART 2

Welcome to Part 2 of my conversation with my husband Scott, where the discussion turns to parenting kids with disabilities. In this episode, Scott shares his experiences with our child's diabetes and autism diagnosis, pda autistic burnout, plus how we keep our relationship strong while parenting children with high support needs. Tune in for heartfelt stories on love, resilience, and understanding.

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Megan Godard Megan Godard

Facing it Together: Navigating Mental Health + Chronic Conditions, with my Husband Scott - PART 1

Join Megan as she sits down with her husband, Scott, for a candid conversation about navigating the complexities of marriage while facing mental illness and chronic conditions. Gain valuable insights, practical tips, and heartfelt anecdotes that provide a unique perspective on maintaining a strong and resilient relationship in the face of life's challenges. Listen now for a genuine exploration of love, support, and understanding in the midst of adversity.

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Megan Godard Megan Godard

“New Years” Planning for Anytime of Year

Happy New Years!...In the middle of February. While it might be too late to wish you a Happy New Year, it’s never too late to set new intentions. In this episode I share my strategy for yearly planning, while embracing the belief that setting new intentions knows no calendar bounds.

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Megan Godard Megan Godard

Welcome! | Connection in Shared Experiences

Welcome to the first episode of "Maybe This Will Be The Cure"! I'm Megan, and this podcast is my cozy space to chat about navigating chronic pain, mental health, and the unique challenges of parenting neurodivergent children.

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